May 20, 2008


Present:  Sheila Pallay, Lil Savage, Elliot Feldman, Ellen Bender, Faye Berzon, Marilyn Stewart, Norma Simons Fitzgerald, Sid Rosenthal, Jane Desberg, Mindy Kempner

Absent:  Arnold Kublin, Rob Maidman, Hy Lamb


The meeting was called to order at 2:55 p.m.  The minutes of the April 15, 2008, meeting were approved.


Executive Director’s Report:

Norma recognized the accolades Faye received in honor of her 61 years of nursing service by New England Sinai Hospital.  A chair was established in her honor, which in itself is a unique tribute.  Thanks to Sheila for contributing her photography to the Adult Center, thereby adding and to enhancing its beauty. 


Condolences were given to the Lew family on the death of their son, Jeff, who was an active participant in the activities of the Adult Center.  The Lew family showed their gratitude by directing contributions made in Jeff’s memory to the FSCOA.  Donations will be used to enhance the garden and patio of the Center.  Some planting has already started and a diversity garden is in the planning stage.  A $100 contribution is being used to buy two trees.  We should look to the Sharon Garden Club for ideas and planning.  Anybody who would like to volunteer is welcome.  Right now there are no funds to purchase furniture, but perhaps the sale of plaques for commemorative occasions will provide contributions.


The Men’s Club has contributed a 42” TV to the Center, but we have to purchase a cart to make it more mobile.


Committee Reports:

Programming:  Activities are really progressing.  There will be a meeting with the Evergreen Program of BU to see if cooperation would be possible.  Money has been made to date on the programs that have taken place and hopefully this will continue in the future.  Money from rentals goes to the sustenance of the building and not to the Center directly.  Discussion took place about weekend use of the Center.  It will continue.  The obstacle lies in the cost of services if the Center is used for seniors or Sunday events.  


Housing: There will be meeting this Friday, May 23, about accessory apartments.  Norma will attend.  It looks promising.  There is a need for someone to volunteer to be an ombudsperson.


Commission on Disabilities:  Sid reported that there was a request for additional parking spaces at the dog park.  He is against this because of the fact that there are adequate parking spaces.  Increased spaces would negatively impact the environment. The space issue was also discussed as it relates to the Men’s Club and their Tuesday morning meetings.  They are trying to find a solution by using ride sharing.  Sid also reported the granting of a scholarship to a high school student.


Conversation continued on gardens and there will be someone from the Friends who will oversee a committee focusing on cost so that we have an idea of the financial requirements.  It will involve working with the garden committee.  Perhaps a raffle could be a way of getting funds.


HESSCO:  Sheila reported on the wide disparity between the cost of the meals delivered and what is actually collected in Sharon.  The cost is about $2.50, but Sharon’s input averages around 51 cents.  There is no money coming to HESSCO from municipalities – money comes from the state.  There is a huge gap between cost and amount received.  This is Sheila’s last month as chair of the HESSCO Board, but she will continue as treasurer.


The joint COA/FSCOA board meeting was a huge success and there will be thought given to future such meetings.  We still have to wait and see before doing anything about a catering service.


New Business:

There was much discussion on the price to be charged for the newly printed donation acknowledgement cards; it was decided to hold off making a decision.  An original thought of having the cards cost $2 resulted in the feeling that it would devalue the contributions of much higher amounts.  There will be lot of consideration given to a solution.


A workshop will be held for caretakers led by Jewish Family Services on Friday, May 30.  This is open to all who provide any kind of public service.


The next meeting is Tuesday, June 17, 2:45 p.m ., at the Adult Center.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                    Lillian Savage, Secretary