March 20, 2007


Present:  Gina Maniscalco, Hy Lamb, Rob Maidman, Sheila Pallay, Lil Savage, Marilyn Stewart, Sid Rosenthal, Mindy Kempner, Norma Simons Fitzgerald

Absent:  Ellen Bender, Faye Berzon, Elliot Feldman, Arnold Kublin, Millie Berman, Irene Carpenter


The meeting was called to order at 2:55 p.m. by Rob Maidman.  The minutes of the February 13, 2007, meeting were accepted.


Executive Director’s report:  Norma reported that we have now our minutes posted on the Town of Sharon website.  It is  She also said she is working on a grant with Cathy Cranston, formerly with HESSCO.  The money from this grant would be used to put a personal training program in place.  We are now operating with one minibus and one van.  She said the formula grant money came in from the state.  Norma handed out a budget update.  She spoke about the COA goals for 2007.  We are going to have a birthday party for people 90 and over as part of our outreach program.


Community Center update: Rob reported that the sheetrocking was going to start on March 17.  Things are going along as planned.  There is some concern that we could be facing a shortfall in our FF&E due to other expenses.


The name of the new center will be the Sharon Adult Center


New Business: Rob asked for any names to be considered for upcoming board meeting guests.  Gina suggested Father Scott from Our Lady of Sorrows church.


Zoning Board of Appeals: Norma will ask the chairman to come to next board meeting.


Commission on Disabilities:  Sid spoke about the handicap parking at Town Meeting.  Sid is proposing to Selectmen that they rope off another section at town meetings for handicapped parking.  The Unitarian Church is becoming handicap accessible.


Housing:  Rob reported on Hunter’s Ridge and Rattlesnake Hill. He spoke about revised plan for Rattlesnake Hill.  If this revised plan does not pass, there could be 88 single family homes built.


The next meeting will be April 24, 2007, 2:45 p.m ., at the COA office.


Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn J. Stewart, Secretary