AUGUST 21, 2007


Present:  Hy Lamb, Elliot Feldman, Faye Berzon, Arnold Kublin, Millie Berman, Jane Desberg, Mindy Kempner, Ellen Bender, Lil Savage, Rob Maidman, Norma Simons Fitzgerald

Absent:  Sheila Pallay, Irene Carpenter


The meeting was called to order at 2:55 p.m. by Arnold Kublin, Chair.  The minutes of the June 19, 2007, meeting were approved.


Community Center update:  Building expected to be completed the last week of October, first week of November.  Painting is going on downstairs. Kitchen is installed.  Looking at third week in November for moving.


Executive Director’s report:  Norma had an interview with Patriot Ledger regarding our Diversity Barbeque.  An article will be published on this.  Norma showed the new logo to group.  All were pleased.  Mindy asked if we could use our new logo on the computer tags which will be given out.  Norma said we closed out our FY’07 budget.  We did well; were able to purchase a portable GPS system for our vehicles.  Also purchased a PA system, however, it is not working well – seems to have some problems.  Norma reported that the new building has a lot of very sophisticated equipment and much training will be necessary in order to keep things running smoothly.  Training has been set up to teach people how to use equipment and what to do in case of an emergency.  Gordon came to Men’s Club last month and did a presentation on the new center to the group.  Norma met with YMCA in Foxboro who will have people come out and explain what the “Y” can do for us.


Eastern Bank is offering some funding to the COA.  We are working on some ideas as to what we can ask for.


New Business: Rob planned to make contact with Brickstone to try to find out what we could work out with them in connection with the use of their fitness center.


Housing:  Gina is working on a checklist.  She will be seeking volunteers.


FSCOA: Jane reported on the change in dues structure.  It has been revised to $25 - $50.  She also reported on Sharonopoly.  It will sell for $25 per game and is almost ready for distribution.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.  The next meeting is Wednesday, September 19, 2:45 p.m., at the COA office.  


                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn J. Stewart, Secretary