November 27, 2012



Present:, Rita Edelston, Elliot Feldman, Ralph Generazzo, Richard Gordon, Madhav Kacker, Arnold Kublin Sheila Pallay, Marilyn Stewart, Sui Wen Yang,  and, Norma Simons Fitzgerald.

Absent:  Millie Berman, Mindy Kempner, Rob Maidman,

Guests: Paul Remy, Commission on Disability.  Susan Gittelman,  B'nai B'rith Housing's Executive Director;  Shawn Bertram from Northbridge Company


The meeting was called to order at 3:35 PM.  The minutes of the October 23, 2012 meeting were approved.


Norma Simons Fitzgerald’s report

Norma reported that the Friends of the COA received a donation from the Feiersteins, a couple whom we helped when we were able revive Mr. Feierstein who had a cardiac episode.  The Dorcas Society from the First Congregational Church also made a contribution to the heating fund and FSCOA for the COA.


Massachusetts Senate President Robert DeLeo spoke to the Men's Club who gave a legislative update.  Norma thanked him for his support for the formula grants to Councils on Aging.  Norma has helped Amanda, the interim Recreation Director settle in.  Norma  submitted a 2% increase in her 2014 budget.  She also is submitting a request for funding for a pergola in conjunction with the Friends of the COA.  We were closed for Hurricane Sandy.  The refrigerator compressor needed to be repaired.  The Sharon Advocate is not printing all the articles we are submitting.  Our programs are going very well. 


Old Business



New Business

Susan Gittelman said that B'nai B'rith has looked at three different sites.  Their latest site of interest is at Sharon Commons.  B'nai B'rith is thinking about 70 two bedroom, non-age restricted units.  There will be no priority for Sharon residents.  Sheila Pallay asked how the development will be different than Avalon.  Susan Gittelman answered that the units will be more affordable and will have resident services.  Their services will allow people to age in place.  Arnold Kubin asked what has to be done to get the project moving.  Susan Gittelman had hoped that they would start next week.  However, the Town was notified that a grant for roads was not funded.  Elliot Feldman expressed concern that this housing model will only be attractive to families and not elders.  Susan Gittelman said that the 40R zoning means that the development cannot have any age restricted housing. All of the units will be available to low and moderate income people. About ten percent (8 units) will be Section Eight eligible. If the overall program is approved (a program of at least 168 unit in total), and is consistent with the Chapter 40R zoning district, the Town will be eligible to receive a one time payment of almost $700,000. 

In addition, Sharon will be paid for the cost for each student in the public schools.  Susan Gittelman said she does not believe that the town of Sharon bylaw does not allow a local preference for Sharon residents. 


Shawn Bertram from Northbridge Companies, said that they are planning a memory care, assisted living.  There will be 60-70 apartments. The building will be built according to ADA regulations.  Shawn Bertram said that the financing is not in place.  They do try to price themselves in pricing themselves below market rate. 
Committee Reports

Norma reported on the Facility Task Force will be meeting in early December. 

TRIAD- Ralph Generazzo had nothing to report.

HESSCO- Sheila Pallay reported that the HESSCO Budget has been approved.  There will still be a waiting list.


Other Business



Upcoming Board Meetings

The next will be December 18th at 3:30


The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.


Respectfully submitted

Elliot Feldman
