January 15, 2013


Present:, Rita Edelston, Elliot Feldman, Ralph Generazzo, Madhav Kacker, Mindy Kempner, Marilyn Stewart, Millie Berman and, Norma Simons Fitzgerald.

Absent:  Richard Gordon, Arnold Kublin, Rob Maidman Sheila Pallay, Sui Wen Yang, 

Guests:   Susan Edinger


The meeting was called to order at 3:35 PM.  The minutes of the December 18, 2012 meeting minutes were approved.


Norma Simons Fitzgerald’s report

Norma reported that or middle of the day custodian has left but he has been replaced Jerry Staruski There was some discussion about the new publisher of the Sharon View.  The other custodian, Paul Spender, has had his office moved.  We are ready to advertise for a new receptionist.  Clinton, our bus driver is playing ethnic music on the bus which is making riders happy.


Old Business



New Business

Marilyn started the discussion on "Goals for Next year."   Rita asked about our plans to coordinate programs with the Recreation Department.  Norma said that we are getting along well with Amanda Deni Levasseur. We can exchange room space with the Recreation Department.   Ralph would like to see the Adult Center open some off-hours including weekends.  He also asked about our plans for the second bus.  Millie would like to make sure that people know that the COA can help in advocacy.  Mindy wondered if we can be more aggressive in outreaching to the Town's elders to let them know what services the COA can provide.  Norma said that the COA also is the human services provider for the Town.  We are developing a brochure which can be distributed to all the Town's residents. Ralph will be speaking to our Lady of Sorrows to talk about the COA services.   Elliot asked if we could make similar presentations to all the Town's religious organizations. 


Susan Edinger was featured in the Mass. Social Worker organization because of her work on support groups and reaching out to the other Town departments to help Sharon's residents.  Susan recently helped a homeless woman who was at the Library.  She also helped out someone who could not afford heating oil.  Madhav suggested that we evaluate our programming to determine our strengths and weaknesses.  Norma said that we have cancelled some programs.  Susan said that she is working on a support group for elders who are caring for adult children.  She will work with HESSCO's Caregiver Support Program and Jewish Family and Children's Services.   Elliot asked about the number of elders in town.  He wondered about how to reach isolated elders.  Susan said that many of these isolated elders want to remain alone at home.  Madhav made the point that some people will ask for help when they need it.  Elliot asked Susan if she thought that some isolated elders would be interested in a telephone reassurance program.  She did not think that there would not be much interest.  Norma talked about Newton's Aging in Place Program.  They have a person who helps elders get services from tradesmen.  FISH in Canton has volunteers coordinate rides to medical appointments.  Marilyn suggested that we develop a trusted list of tradesmen that we can share with elders.


Committee Reports

There were no committee reports.


Other Business


Upcoming Board Meetings

The next meeting will be February 19, 2012

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Elliot Feldman, Secretary