Sharon Standing Building Committee

September 14, 2004




Members Present:  Dave Belton, Deborah Benjamin, Bill Croteau, Donald Gilligan, Gordon Gladstone, Colleen Tuck, Greg Waugh, Joel Wolk


Members Absent:  Fred Clay, Rich Slater, Richard Goldstein


The meeting opened at 6:45 pm

Administrative Matters

(Croteau/Belton 6-0-1 Gilligan abstains)

(Belton/Benjamin – unanimous)






East Elementary School Project

·         Construction Status report (Heery and SHR) - Mr. Collins gave an overview of the project activity over the past two weeks.  The construction staff at the school has been extremely limited with less than 4 workers on site at any day.  The metal roof contractor has not been performing and there has been discussion on site that the general contractor will be removing this subcontractor from the site.  The architect informed the committee that the roofing contractor was turned away from the job site for failure to supply the general contractor with a day by day schedule for roofing activity.  There was discussion regarding the roofing meeting on September 8, 2004 the general contractor did not participate in the meeting, however, representatives from DF Pray were present in the room.  The schedule was that the roofing contractor would be on site September 13th and 14th with water testing scheduled for September 16th and progress to continue immediately to complete the remaining dormers.  Mr. Hoit stated that if there is a failure to complete this work then a notice must be sent out to the general contractor that the roof must be made weather tight.  This item will be tabled until the September 29th meeting.  The wrap over the dormers is affecting the fresh air intake in the gymnasium.  Since the opening of school the traffic flow is working well, parents are adjusting to the new patterns. 

·         Substantial Completion and Punch List - The architect's office is preparing the Certificate of Substantial completion, this will be attached to the architect's punch list.  The punch list will contain both incomplete and unacceptable items.  Shooshanian will be onsite to perform balancing reports.  There are several small fan coils that have not been installed and they are not on site.  The roof top unit has been installed but has not been programmed or testing.  Mr. Collins has stated that the installation of the dishwasher is not complete and the school staff must serve food off site and serve it off paper products.

·         Other issues

·         Flooring in corridor B122 and B102 - prices are being obtained to complete TOLI tile that was omitted from the contract.  The committee voted to complete this section of flooring.  

·         Stage Flooring - is still incomplete.  No work is taking place at this time.  Principal Freeburg asked if there is a deadline to complete this work.

·         Landscaping/hydro seeding - There are some areas in the backfield that need to be cleaned.  There are areas of the site that need to be hydro-seeded prior to the end of the growing season.

·         Elevator - there has been no progress in the past two weeks.

·         Project Close-out strategy - the committee discussed options to complete this project in a timely manner.  

·         Abutter fencing concern - Member Tuck asked about the installation of a fence along the Wexler's property.  There was discussion regarding the application of the variance for the installation of an 8 foot fence and when the fence could possibly be installed.  The chairman and members of the SSBC asked School Committee Representative Gilligan to request that the School Committee to put this item on their agenda to apply for a variance and the SSBC will abide by the School Committee’s decision. 

·         Change Orders - The change order has not been prepared due to the fact that the general contractor has been unavailable to meet with the architect and construction manager. 

·         Payment Requisition - the contractor failed to provide the committee with a requisition to approve at this meeting. 

·         Roofing Issues – The committee discussed the need to complete more roof testing and inspections with our consultant RJ Kenney.

MOTION:              To authorize RJ Kenney Associates to perform additional testing in an amount not to exceed $5,000 Belton/Croteau unanimous)

·         Principal Comments - Principal Freeburg stated that she would like more work to take place on the project.  She feels that there are many items that need to be completed.  The failure to complete the cafeteria stage is hampering programs that would be scheduled for this area. Member Croteau stated that the kitchen, stage and gym areas are key to the day-to-day operations of the school. 

·         Heery:  The members of the committee unanimously thanked Peter Collins for his 25 months of service to the Town of Sharon in the roll of construction manager for the East Elementary School Project. (Croteau/Belton - unanimous)


Cottage Elementary School Project

·         Budget Status Report – the budget report was distributed to the members of the committee for their review.


Sharon Middle School Project

·         Project Close-out – The administrative assistant gave the report on the Middle School project.  The invoices that have been authorized by the SSBC are within the project budget.  Other items that have been charged by the school department against the project that did not pass through the SSBC approval process.  It is noted that the school department issued a memo of understanding to the SSBC for project management.


The meeting adjourned at 9:00pm


Respectfully submitted,




Maureen R. Doherty - Recording Secretary





____________________________                __________________________

Signature of Chair                                                       Date of Acceptance