Sharon Standing Building Committee

Meeting Minutes

July 5, 2005




Members Present:  Greg Waugh, Joel Wolk, Bill Croteau, Rich Slater, Colleen Tuck




Guests Present: Bonne Desousa, Deb Benjamin, Fred Clay, Gordon Gladstone



          To appoint a temporary chairperson to serve until Gordon and Deb are re-appointed. (Croteau/Slater - unanimous)


Discussion - from Gordon & Deb.

June 7th - as written (Croteau/Waugh 4-0-1-  Tuck abstained)

June 21st - as written (Croteau/Waugh 3-0-2 - Tuck/Slater)

June 28th - as written (Tuck/Croteau 2-0-3 Tuck/Slater/Waugh


Discussion: regarding the request from the school department to pay invoices


Middle School HVAC Project: -


Change Order # 1 - Credit in the amount of $ 38,500.00

MOTION:   To authorize the chairman to sign change order

# 1(Waugh/Tuck - unanimous)


Change Order # 2 - In the amount of $ 11,041.00 (Waugh/ Croteau - unanimous)


Change Order Proposal # 8 - In the amount of $1,927.00 for additional abatement work to hang the pipes from the ceiling in the cafeteria.  GGD's opinion was that the this request to hang the pipe from the ceiling would be a better installation.  The members of the committee discussed this request to hang this piping from the ceiling - this costs is for abatement not for any additional costs associated with the hanging of the pipe. 

To approve COP # 8 in the amount of $1,000 - (Waugh/Tuck)


Proposal for testing: 

The committee reviewed three proposals from UTS, Briggs, Geisser Engineer, for structural steel in the area of the connectors. 


          Motion:  To approve - UTS as a testing agency (Waugh/Croteau - unanimous)


Meeting adjourned 8:00pm


Respectfully submitted,



Maureen R. Doherty - Project Manager