Sharon Standing Building Committee

Meeting Minutes

February 7, 2006


Members Present: Deborah Benjamin, Gordon Gladstone, Dave Belton, Fred Clay, Colleen Tuck, Greg Waugh, Joel Wolk,


Associate Members Present:  Donald Gilligan, Rick Rice, Steve Lesco, Rob Maidman


Guests Present:  Atty. Pat Costello, Ken Wertz, Robert Connors, Tom Scarlata


The meeting opened at 6:35 pm at the Community Center - Recreation Trailer


The members were polled to go into executive session to discuss potential litigation with the Cottage and East Elementary school projects.   The following members voted in the affirmative Deborah Benjamin, Gordon Gladstone, Dave Belton, Fred Clay, Colleen Tuck, Greg Waugh, Joel Wolk.


The meeting returned to open session at 8:05pm.



 The committee reviewed a proposal from Friedeborn Home Improvement:

MOTION:        To accept the proposal for the modification to the kitchen to be preformed over the February school vacation. (Wolk/Croteau - unanimous)


MIDDLE SCHOOL - HVAC - Bonne Desousa - KBA

Valves - Bonne Desousa stated that they have received prices from GGD that the costs of the gate valves are approximately $5000; Fraser maintains that the costs of the butterfly valves are about $ 2000.  The butterfly valves were submitted as a substitution by Fraser and were approved by GGD.  The committee feels that GGD should have noted that they were approving a substitution with a credit due.  This issue is closed


Hot water tanks:  A sketch has been issued and hopefully Fraser can take appropriate actions during the school vacation.  The steam coils are functioning and they cannot easily be removed.  An expansion tank system is recommended by GGD.  A proposal will be prepared by Fraser for the committee review.


Tunnels: There is no good solution recommended at this time.  A situation similar to this occurred at a Canton School Project at it was very expensive.



The project is out to bid and the bids will be accepted at the town hall on March 1st.



Mr. Connors showed a video on the existing conditions inside the school.  He explained that the building has deteriorated so much that it was doubtful that anything but a complete demolition could take place.  There is water that has permeated until the entire site and no architectural value left to the structure.  There is potential that the building is mold infested.  There are areas of the building roof are completely unsafe.  The exterior of the building looks better than the interior of the building.  Mr. Baskin stated that there are three alternatives:  First, STV has to give a structural survey and the recommendations of to abate.  The second alternative would be to save the South Main Street façade of the building; the third recommendation would be to demolish the building.  There would be no roof needed on the second two options.  Water is leaking through the roof and windows and the down the structural interior walls. 



There was discussion regarding the proposal from BH +A regarding the unit prices.  After the discussion it was the consensus of the committee that the unit prices will be included in the specifications and not bid by the contractors.


There was review of the additional definitions - supplemental conditions.  The mark-up was discussed and it was decided that the mark-up should 15% and 5% on subcontractors.


Security and access was discussed.  There was discussion that the exterior doors should have an alarm on it so that it can signal when the door is opened. 


Telephone - a proposal was received from Partners Associates that was forwarded to the architect's consultant.


The contractor is responsible for site security.


The chairman read an email from the director of Civil Defense regarding the use of the building as an emergency shelter.  The architect stated that the generator has been sized at 75KWZ which will run the emergency life systems, the heat pumps and egress lights. The chairman of the committee asked for a price to upgrade the community center generator.


The meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Maureen R. Doherty – Recording Secretary





__________________________                    ____________________________

Signature of Chair                                           Date of Acceptance