Selection Committee for the Designer

for the Sharon High School Roof

Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2011



Members Present:    Gordon Gladstone, Deb Benjamin, Colleen Tuck, Steve Smith,     

Roger Thibault, Rick Rice, Fred Clay, Bill Croteau, Rich Slater, Glenn Allen and Dr. Barbara Dunham


Members not Present:  Joel Wolk and Benjamin E. Puritz


Others Present:  Ken Wertz


The meeting of the Selection Committee for the Designer for the Sharon High School Roof was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Community Center.


Selection of Chair and Vice Chair for the Selection Committee for the Designer for the Sharon High School Roof


Chairman:  Richard Rice offered to be Chair of the committee.  Richard Rice was unanimously elected as Chairman of the Selection Committee for Designer for the Sharon High School Roof.


Vice-Chair:  If a Vice-Chair is needed, one will be elected at a later time.


Selection Criteria


MSBA requires the following criteria in search for a Designer:


The committee would like to add “Financial Stability” as criteria for their search for a designer


MOTION:  To adjourn this portion of the meeting at 6:37 p.m. – unanimous




Linda Morse, Secretary



__________________________________                            ___________________

Richard Rice, Chair                                                                 Date of Acceptance