Attendees: David Crosby – Chair; Paul Lauenstein; Rory McGregor – Secretary; Len Sekuler; Jack Sulik; Bob Weeks


Others: Eric Hooper – DPW Superintendent; Ian Cooke – Executive Director, Neponset River Watershed Association (NepRWA)


  1. The minutes of the October 18 meeting were approved with minor corrections.


2         NepRWA is working under contract with the town of Sharon on a program recently awarded to the town by the Massachusetts Dept of Environmental Protection.  Eric Hooper stated that the contract for $45K provides the opportunity to “expand the scope and effectiveness of the Sharon water conservation program”.  While Sharon has already made good progress with several conservation initiatives, this project involves NepRWA hiring a half time person to carry the effort forward.  One of the tasks is to bring information on water conservation to the schools in town and to other public channels.  Ian Cooke asked for input on potential candidates who would be interested in this half time position.  Paul Lauenstein will serve as WMAC liaison to this project.


3        Paul Lauenstein reviewed the water conservation plan that he had distributed prior to the meeting.  David Crosby asked WMAC to identify the top 3 priorities that will give the biggest bang for the buck.  General feeling is that the lawn irrigation systems present the single largest opportunity for water conservation.  Another opportunity is to accelerate the installation of the new water meters throughout town; Dave Hearne is investigating how we can make this happen.  WMAC members should review the plan and provide feedback to Paul Lauenstein.  Jack Sulik emphasized the need to show payback.


  1. There was discussion on whether to put high efficiency toilets into public facilities in the town. The consensus was that this should be done to serve as an example for residents.


  1. Although water use in January through April was lower this year than last year, total water use year-to-date through October this Fall is slightly higher than a year ago, partly due to a very dry summer.


  1. The source of increasing nitrates in Well #2 could be the septic systems on Moose Hill Parkway.  The well field is characterized by plugged up wells closest to the pump.  Possible solutions are to redrill and  rotate the well field toward Well #3.  The most active well in the field is the one that is closest to Moose Hill Parkway.  The field was last redeveloped 7 years ago.


  1. Eric Hooper met with his counterpart from Stoughton, Larry Barrett, on Nov 27th concerning the emergency hookup of our water system to theirs.  The discussion focused on running the “hydraulic model” to evaluate each of the 3 potential hookup locations between the towns.  Cost is estimated to be between $10K and $20K.


  1. Budget preparation has started.  Eric will have the capital plan for review at the next WMAC meeting.  This will go to the Finance Committee for discussion shortly thereafter.  New projects not on the earlier plan will include pipe replacement on Brook Road ($200K), pipe work related to the Avalon Bay housing project ($200K), and acoustic leak detectors which could be installed at the same time as the new water meters.


  1. The Riverways Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) modeling project is being monitored by Bob Weeks.  Stream flow data is being collected and computer modeling is being used to create a Stream Flow Index Database computer model to weigh the values of competing water uses and assist in financial decision-making.  The State wants to create a statewide model.  Sharon is one of the first towns to attempt creating a local model using the WEAP software.  This would then expand to a regional model and ultimately to a statewide model.


  1. Next meeting is Jan 10th, 2008.


Respectfully submitted,


Rory McGregor