Sharon Charter Commission

Monday, June 2, 2008


Location:           School Department Building




·                   Margaret Arguimbau

·                   George Bailey

·                   Alan Garf

·                   Paul Izzo

·                   Sam Liao

·                   Abigail Marsters

·                   Andy Nebenzahl

·                   Paul Pietal

·                   Colleen Tuck


New Business:


Mr. Nebenzahl called the meeting to order shortly after 7:00 PM.


Mr. Nebenzahl presented the Agenda.


Mr. Nebenzahl presented draft minutes of the May 27, 2008 meeting.


Mr. Bailey noted a minor error in the draft minutes.


Mr. Liao moved to amend the draft minutes of the prior meeting.  Mr. Pietal seconded the motion.  The members voted 8-0 to approve Mr. Liao’s motion to amend the minutes.  Ms. Arguimbau abstained.


Mr. Izzo moved to adopt the draft minutes of the prior meeting with Mr. Liao’s proposed amendments.  The motion was seconded.  The members voted 8-0 to approve Mr. Izzo’s motion to approve the amended minutes.  Ms. Arguimbau abstained.


Mr. Izzo advised the members that a Sharon resident, Alice Cheyer, had addressed two electronic mail letters to him and Mr. Nebenzahl.  The letters were placed in the record and Mr. Izzo offered to make them available to any member so requesting.


The members discussed the development of a web site.  Mr. Pietal agreed to follow up with town officials to see how a web site might operate and to make recommendations regarding its functionality.


The members agreed to meet every Monday for the time being (June 9; June 16; June 23; June 30; July 7, and so on).  Certain meetings might be postponed due to member unavailability during the summer.


The initial public hearing was set for June 23, 2008.  The members instructed Mr. Nebenzahl and Mr. Izzo to get the meeting notice published promptly.


The members discussed the need to advertise for a recording secretary.  Mr. Garf and Mr. Bailey agreed to take the lead on drafting a job description for consideration by the Chairman and the members.


The members discussed the need to create official letterhead.  A motion was made, seconded and the members voted 9-0 to create letterhead with the town seal.


The members discussed the need to begin gathering information relevant to the task. 


The members discussed the requirements of the Open Meeting Law.  Mr. Pietal suggested that the members invite a member of the Attorney General’s office to discuss the law at a future meeting.


The members discussed generally how they might receive input from non-members.  Mr. Nebenzahl suggested that open forums take place during most of the regular meetings. 


Mr. Nebenzahl reported on the status of the Commission’s funding request for $5,000. 


The members agreed that they could share information with one another via electronic mail.  However, no editorializing or advocacy will take place in such communications.




The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 PM.  The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on June 9, 2008, at the School Administration building on School Street.


Minutes submitted by:

Paul Izzo



Paul Izzo

Paul Izzo, Clerk