Sharon Charter Commission

Monday, June 9, 2008


Location:           School Department Building




·                   Margaret Arguimbau

·                   George Bailey

·                   Alan Garf

·                   Paul Izzo

·                   Sam Liao

·                   Abigail Marsters

·                   Andy Nebenzahl

·                   Paul Pietal

·                   Marilyn Contreas (MA Department of Housing and Community Development)




·         Colleen Tuck


New Business:


Mr. Nebenzahl called the meeting to order shortly after 7:00 PM.


Mr. Nebenzahl circulated an agenda.


Ms. Contreas spoke with the Commission for approximately one hour.  She discussed the 1996 Home Rule Amendment; the forms of government available to cities and towns; the process for approving a charter and related issues.  Ms. Contreas also distributed documents which were placed in the record.


Mr. Nebenzahl announced a break in the meeting at 8:30 PM.


Mr. Nebenzahl called the meeting back to order at 8:45 PM.


Mr. Nebenzahl distributed a copy of the notice of the June 23, 2008 public meeting, which ran in the Sharon Advocate on June 6, 2008.


Mr. Izzo agreed to draft a notice of the meeting for SCTV, and a press release to the Sharon Advocate. 


Mr. Izzo agreed to draft a letter for Mr. Nebenzahl requesting that various town boards and commissions attend and participate in the public meeting.


The members discussed a draft ad for the administrative secretary position.  A motion was made, seconded and the members voted 8-0 to approve a draft ad.


Mr. Bailey agreed to circulate a proposed job description for the administrative secretary position.


Mr. Pietal reported on the development of the commission web site.  A motion was made, seconded and the members voted 8-0 to empower Mr. Pietal to develop a prototype web site.



Mr. Nebenzahl formally presented draft minutes of the June 2, 2008 meeting.  A motion was made, seconded and the members voted 8-0 to approve the minutes.


The members discussed the look of the commission’s proposed official letterhead, which was created by Mr. Pietal.


Mr. Izzo advised the members that a Sharon resident, Alice Cheyer, had addressed an electronic mail letter to him, Mr. Pietal and Mr. Nebenzahl.  Mr. Izzo read his response to Ms. Cheyer.




The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.  The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on June 16, 2008, at the School Administration building on School Street.


Minutes submitted by:

Paul Izzo



Paul Izzo

Paul Izzo, Clerk