Sharon Charter Commission

Monday, July 7, 2008


Location:           School Department Building




·                   Margaret Arguimbau

·                   George Bailey

·                   Alan Garf

·                   Paul Izzo

·                   Sam Liao

·                   Abigail Marsters

·                   Andy Nebenzahl (Chair)

·                   Paul Pietal

·                   Colleen Tuck


New Business:


Mr. Nebenzahl called the meeting to order shortly after 7:00 PM.


Mr. Nebenzahl circulated an agenda.


Members discussed the level of detail required in meeting minutes.  After much discussion, members agreed that minutes should have sufficient detail to track what has occurred at the meeting, but not necessarily what everyone has said on every subject.  Mr. Nebenzahl stated that effective immediately, draft minutes will be circulated in advance of the next meeting.  Members will be permitted to offer amendments to the draft minutes at the next regularly scheduled meeting.


A motion was made, and seconded, to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2008 meeting.  The motion passed 6-0, Mr. Izzo, Ms. Marters and Mr. Pietal abstaining.


A motion was made, and seconded, to approve the minutes of the June 23, 2008 meeting.  The motion passed, 8-0, Mr. Pietal abstaining.


Mr. Izzo distributed his summary of the June 23 Public Hearing.  Mr. Nebenzahl stated that the summary would be placed in the record but it is not to be deemed an official summary or transcript of the meeting.


Mr. Izzo placed a copy of the Public Hearing sign-in sheet into the record.


Mr. Izzo read correspondence from Marjorie Asnes of Sharon.  She recommended two Braintree residents for consultation in connection with the Commission’s research.  The letter was placed into the record.


Mr. Izzo read a portion of correspondence from attorney Michael Curran of Canton.  He offered his services in connection with the Commission’s activities.  The letter was placed into the record.


Members shared their reactions to the June 23 Public Hearing.  (Mr. Pietal stated that he watched the hearing on television.)  Members had a positive reaction to the meeting and presentations.  Members noted the confusion many people have regarding the interplay between the Charter and town by-laws.  Members noted that many people feel there needs to be more dissemination of information as major town issues come up.  Mr. Nebenzahl stated that it is early in the process and it may be difficult to engage residents on a greater scale for several months.  Members discussed the need to educate residents about Commission activities as the process moves along.


Members discussed the progress of locating an administrative secretary.  The three officers were given the authority to conduct the interviews and make a recommendation.


Mr. Pietal updated members about the website.  Members discussed the need to start posting documents on the site.  Mr. Pietal and Mr. Izzo will make judgments about what needs to be posted.


Members discussed long-term planning.  Ms. Tuck recommended that the Commission look to other towns and locate resources to save time.  Mr. Izzo suggested that the Commission begin to discuss – at some point soon – what they are thinking about individually so key issues could be identified and addressed.  Mr. Bailey stated that the Commission needs to start getting to substance.  Ms. Tuck expressed concern about getting candor from town officials.  Mr. Nebenzahl suggested that a flow chart be created outlining town governmental structure as it currently exists.  Mr. Izzo suggested that the Commission identify the things members value (efficiency, participation, etc.) as well as the method members intend to employ, keeping in mind future needs and plans of the town in the years ahead.  Mr. Garf echoed an earlier concern about getting candid remarks from town officials, and he cautioned that eliciting candid remarks from Commission members might harden member positions. 


Members discussed Mr. Liao’s suggestion that three charters be drafted – one codifying the current state, and two alternative forms of government.  Some members reacted positively to the idea of a draft codifying current state; some suggested that it would take too much time to draft alternative charters.


Ms. Tuck agreed to take the lead, with Mr. Garf’s help, in drafting a form interview document for town officials and board members.


Mr. Bailey agreed to take the lead in creating the flow chart of current town government.


Mr. Izzo agreed to start planning some sort of discussion about values.


Mr. Nebenzahl agreed to start gathering documents from town boards and officials relating to long-term planning.


Mr. Nebenzahl asked members to e-mail him suggestions about who should be interviewed.


Discussion items will be Mr. Bailey’s update on the flow chart and Mr. Nebenzahl’s update on long-term plans. 




The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM.  The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on July 14, 2008, at the School Administration building on School Street.


Minutes submitted by:

Paul Izzo



Paul Izzo

Paul Izzo, Clerk