Sharon Charter Commission

Monday, July 14, 2008


Location:           School Department Building




·                   Margaret Arguimbau

·                   George Bailey

·                   Alan Garf

·                   Paul Izzo

·                   Sam Liao

·                   Abigail Marsters

·                   Andy Nebenzahl (Chair)

·                   Paul Pietal

·                   Colleen Tuck


New Business:


Mr. Nebenzahl called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM.


Mr. Nebenzahl circulated an agenda.


A motion was made, and seconded, to approve the minutes of the July 7, 2008 meeting.  The motion passed, 9-0.


Mr. Izzo read correspondence.  Sandi Atlas-Gordon informed the Commission of a person she thought would be helpful to the Commission’s work when considering the Representative Town Meeting form of government.  Fred Clay set forth a step-by-step method for the Commission to conduct its business.  Herb Gould provided some suggestions regarding the manner of drafting the preliminary report.


Mr. Nebenzahl informed the members that he had no update regarding the hiring of an administrative secretary.


Mr. Bailey distributed three documents.  Two consisted of a 1965 organizational chart for the town government.  Another, which he created, was a spreadsheet listing town officials and boards, a summary of their function(s) and other information. 


The members had a general discussion about Mr. Bailey’s documents.  Mr. Bailey observed that some of the functions of the various officials and departments are not set down in any official document.  The members discussed the various roles of the town clerk and the powers and duties of the town administrator.  There was a discussion about the manner in which various town employees are hired and managed.  The members debated whether certain persons, such as the “town counsel,” should be included in any list of public/governmental officials.  Ms. Tuck stated that the town counsel is a “consultant” and not a town official and, therefore, such inclusion would be inappropriate, while others suggested that the town counsel had a special role in town government and, therefore, should be considered a part of town government.


The members discussed whether they would prepare, as a starting point, a charter that codified the current state of town government.  Mr. Nebenzahl expressed a preference not to create such a charter.  Instead, he suggested that the members focus on the statutory task of creating the report, which will contain a narrative discussion of the current thinking, including the current state of town government.


The members agreed that Mr. Bailey’s spreadsheet would be posted on line to facilitate public input.


The members discussed the booklet of Town By-Laws, copies of which were distributed to each member by Mr. Nebenzahl.  The members discussed the applicability of the by-laws to the Commission’s work, as some of them appear to fall outside the Commission’s purview (animal control by-laws, for example).  Mr. Pietal agreed to identify which by-laws might inform the Commission’s work.


The members discussed the extent to which long-term needs of the town must be identified as part of the deliberation process.  Mr. Izzo asked that the members give this matter consideration on the basis that the charter must establish a form of government that will meet future challenges.  Mr. Garf stated that it will be difficult to gain consensus on what Sharon will look like in the future, and that it also will be difficult for members to agree on what form of government would meet such future challenges.


Mr. Bailey stated that he is working on a chart that shows voting and town meeting participation since 1948.  The document is not ready for distribution.


Mr. Pietal stated that he has posted some additional documents on the web site.


Mr. Nebenzahl informed the members that the Commission had some bills to pay.  The members discussed the manner in which vouchers and invoices will be approved.




The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.  The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on July 21, 2008, at the School Administration building on School Street.


Minutes submitted by:

Paul Izzo



Paul Izzo

Paul Izzo, Clerk