Monday, January 5, 2009

Administration Building

One School Street

Sharon, MA 02067


Present:  Peg Arguimbau, George Bailey, Paul Izzo Sam Liao, Abigail Marsters, Andrew Nebenzahl, Paul Pietal, Colleen Tuck


Absent:   Alan Garf


Also Present:  Phil Gallagher, Moderator for the Town of Burlington


Mr. Nebenzahl called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.




Approve Minutes

There were no minutes for Commission approval at this time.


Acknowledge Correspondence

There was no correspondence to come before the Commission at this time.




Meeting with Phil Gallagher, Moderator for the Town of Burlington

Mr. Nebenzahl thanked Mr. Gallagher for meeting with the Charter Commission. Mr. Gallagher presented the following materials for discussion: Burlington’s Town Meeting Handbook, Burlington’s Open Meeting Law, Conflict of Interest Law and Burlington’s Public Records Law, Burlington’s Proposed Operating Budget for FY 2009 and Burlington’s Tax Rate History. Mr. Gallagher presented an overview of how the Representative Form of Town Meeting is conducted in Burlington. Highlighted areas of Mr. Gallagher’s presentation:

• Mr. Gallagher is a 54-year resident of Burlington, who has served on various boards in the town and is currently Town Moderator.

• Moderator is an elected position.

• There are 108 Town Meeting members (6 precincts – 18 representatives per precinct).

• Average attendance of citizens other than Town Meeting representatives is around 25.

• Roberts Rules of Order are followed at Town Meeting.

• All materials relevant to Town Meeting must be provided to Town Meeting members 14 days in advance of Town Meeting.

• Debate is encouraged at Town Meeting provided discourse stays within subject matter.

• All attendees at Town Meeting have the right to speak on warrant articles.

• Town Meeting Warrant is posted on the web for community review.

• Mr. Gallagher explained/discussed how a “continuous Town Meeting” is conducted.

• Mr. Gallagher explained/discussed the training/orientation of Town Meeting members.

• Burlington changed from Open Town Meeting to Representative Town Meeting in 1972 due to increased population.

• Mr. Gallagher explained/discussed the concept of a town “trade show” prior to Town Meeting, which is an informational meeting to fully vet warrant articles.

• Burlington has a 15 member Ways & Means/Finance Committee, who are appointed by the Town Moderator.

• Mr. Gallagher explained/discussed the responsibilities of the Ways & Means/Finance Committee.

• Mr. Gallagher explained/discussed Burlington’s budget process for all town sectors.

• There was a discussion on warrant procedure and quorum concerns.

• Attendance and vote of Town Meeting members is posted in the newspaper.

• Burlington has a Town Administrator.

• Burlington tax base – 56% commercial; 44% residential.

• Burlington has had only one over-ride request, which was defeated.

• Mr. Gallagher will provide the Commission with a DVD of Burlington’s May Town Meeting.


Mr. Nebenzahl, on behalf of the Charter Commission members, thanked Dr. Dunham and the School Committee members for an informative discourse. Mr. Gallagher left the meeting at 9:10 p.m.




There was a discussion on future meeting schedules. Mr. Curran will contact Mr. Bill Friel from Franklin and Mr. Joe Farino from Winthrop to schedule meetings with the Charter Commission. It was the consensus of the Commission to have meetings of approximately one-hour duration. Mr. Nebenzahl would schedule meetings with the Planning Board, the Finance Director, Town Clerk and Town Moderator and possibly with a representative from the Town of Foxborough who has gone from a three to a five member Board of Selectmen.


Mr. Curran will present an updated time-line to the Commission at the January 12th meeting.


Mr. Liao distributed information pertaining to the School Department’s long-range planning for Commission FYI. There was a brief discussion on improving town-wide long range planning.


Mr. Nebenzahl announced that the next meeting would be on January 12th.


There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, Mr. Nebenzahl asked for a motion to adjourn.


 MOTION: (Marsters/Liao) Moved to adjourn. Vote was eight in the affirmative.


Open Session was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.


Submitted on behalf of the Charter Committee by: Helen Campanario, Recording Secretary to the Charter Commission