Monday, January 12, 2009

Administration Building

One School Street

Sharon, MA 02067


Present:  Peg Arguimbau, George Bailey, Sam Liao, Abigail Marsters, Andrew Nebenzahl,

Colleen Tuck


Absent:   Alan Garf, Paul Izzo, Paul Pietel


Also Present:  Members of the Planning Board (Arnold Cohen, Eli Hauser, Paul Lauenstein) and members of the Economic Development Committee (Eli Hauser, Rob Maidman, Ben Pinkowitz, Keevin Geller) and Herbert Gould, member of the community


Mr. Nebenzahl called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.




Approve Minutes

MOTION: (Marsters/Tuck) Moved to approve the Open Session minutes from the meeting of December 22, 2008 as revised and amended and submitted to the Committee.  Vote was four in the affirmative. P. Arguimbau abstained. S. Liao was not present when the vote was taken.


MOTION: (Marsters/Bailey) Moved to approve the Open Session minutes from the meeting of January 5, 2009 as revised and amended and submitted to the Committee.  Vote was five in the affirmative. S. Liao was not present when the vote was taken.


Acknowledge Correspondence

There was no correspondence to come before the Commission at this time.




Meeting with members of the Planning Board

Mr. Nebenzahl thanked the Planning Board members for meeting with the Charter Commission. Mr. Nebenzahl stated that the purpose of these meetings was to formulate a holistic view of Sharon’s town government. This meeting is a follow-up to the survey submitted by the Planning Board and to highlight areas for discussion.

Areas of discussion with the Planning Board:

• The complexity of zoning articles and difficulty of meeting the warrant deadline.

• How to deal with word changes in zoning articles and the most efficient way to educate town meeting members prior to convening Town Meeting.

• Difficulty of explaining a complex zoning article at Town Meeting under the current Town Meeting protocol of limiting presentation to ten minutes

• The need for more time at Town Meeting for the Planning Board to present zoning articles.

• The possibility of a sub-committee to report and make recommendations to Town Meeting.

• Current process does not lend itself to comprehensive review of warrant article materials.

• The role of the Finance Committee in relation to zoning articles.

• The pros and cons of Open Town Meeting vs. Representative Form of Town Meeting.

• If Open Town Meeting is maintained, how to effectively disseminate warrant information to the town prior to Town Meeting.

• The need for a more realistic time-line for meeting Town Warrant deadline.

• The concept of addressing zoning issues once a year at the Fall Town Meeting.

• The possibility of a liaison from the Finance Committee to attend all Planning Board meetings.

• How the Planning Board can work more collaboratively with other town boards/committees.

• The possibility of employing a Town Planner and what the responsibilities/role would be for the Town Planner. Due to the Town’s financial constraints, employing a Town Planner in the near future would be unlikely.

• Formulating a long-range vision for the Town of Sharon and the role the Planning Board would play in its formulation.

• The concept of “smart growth” planning.

• The relationship between the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals.

• The responsibilities of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen, particularly as it pertains to proposed Town projects such as Brickstone, Sharon Commons, etc.

• Five-year term for Planning Board members is appropriate.

• Current configuration of a five member Planning Board is appropriate.


Mr. Nebenzahl, on behalf of the Charter Commission members, thanked the Planning Board members for an informative discourse. The conversation with the Planning Board concluded at 8:40 p.m.


Meeting with Members of the Economic Development Committee

Mr. Nebenzahl thanked the Economic Development Committee members for meeting with the Charter Commission.

Areas of discussion with the Economic Development Committee:

Economic Development Committee was formed three years ago with the task of identifying increased revenue sources for the Town of Sharon, particularly Post Office Square.

• The impact on the immediate community as well as the community-at-large with the redevelopment of Post Office Square.

• How to effectively disseminate information regarding the Post Office Square project to Town Meeting members.

• The difficulty of presenting complex issues that would effect the entire Town to Town Meeting members under the current presentation time limits.

• The need to streamline Sharon’s current Open Town Meeting process.

• Non-taxable land is not going to change as Sharon has become “built out”.

• Special attention should be paid to environmental issues as well as traffic concerns.

• The possibility of creating a “guidebook” for potential developers, which would walk them through the process of applying for permits, scheduling meetings with various boards/committees, etc.

• Responsibilities of the EDC (Economic Development Committee) have expanded as more pressing and complex issues/areas of concern arise in the Town.

• Should the EDC have formal recognition in a Town Charter?


Mr. Nebenzahl, on behalf of the Charter Commission members, thanked the Economic Development Committee members for an informative discourse.




Mr. Nebenzahl announced that the next meeting would be on January 19th. Mr. Nebenzahl will seek to confirm the attendance of Bill Fowler, Town Treasurer, at the next meeting.  Mr. Curran will endeavor to schedule Jeff Nutting, Town Manager from Franklin at a future Charter Commission meeting.


There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, Mr. Nebenzahl asked for a motion to adjourn.


 MOTION: (Marsters/Arguimbau) Moved to adjourn. Vote was six in the affirmative.


Open Session was adjourned at 10:00  p.m.


Submitted on behalf of the Charter Committee by: Helen Campanario, Recording Secretary to the Charter Commission